“The 20 Year Reflection” – Peace Corps Albania 2004-2006: (Charmania in Albania)

Committing to the Peace Corps was the most risky adulting decision I made.

My dad disapproved. I signed my Peace Corps contract knowing I went against his wishes.

My sister’s wedding was scheduled during my restricted travel times. I got on the plane knowing I would be absent from her special day.

My mom respected my willingness to serve and spent many nights praying away her worries. I stepped off the plane knowing I would be (metaphorically) “on my own” during this new life journey.

Coming from a divorced home, I had adolescent angst about where I belong. I learned how to strategically insert myself into my friends’ nuclear families. During my two years of service, this skill was useful when I was blessed to be invited into three loving host families. They welcomed this American stranger into their homes, into their lives, and into their hearts.

2004 was the first time I spent so much time alone with myself, especially during the MANY dark hours of no electricity. I started out lost in a new culture. Over two years, I found a home within myself where I always belonged.

Twenty years later, I’m still deeply moved by all the loved ones who joined me in my journey, who sent care packages, and who read my long email updates describing how the simplest task became the most challenging adventure.

I intentionally captured the description of so many life lessons and laughter for my future self to enjoy. The series is called, “Charmania in Albania”. Thank you for joining me on “My Journey to a Fulfilled Life.”

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