PCV Life: “Summer Plans”- Peace Corps Albania 2004-2006: (Charmania in Albania)

Weeks 9 & 10 (May 21-June 4, 2004)

The summer plan I have is to go to the beach a lot. I also need to have a better understanding of the Albanian language. In addition, there are student representatives from each grade level at the high school who will work with me to come up with some ideas for students.

I’m going to be facilitating an English club, where students can practice conversation while socializing. There is a low level of comprehension of English in class. There are about 5 out of the 40-50 students who speak well enough to communicate with.

The others are in the class because English is the only foreign language and they have to be there. 

My plan is to organize some peer tutoring with the good students to help the not-so-good students. I want to have an after-school study hour where students can have English explained to them more slowly.  The typical Albanian teaching style is to teach the students who want to learn and keep the disinterested students quiet. 

My teaching style is very inclusive and I am open to giving misbehaving students unwanted attention in front of the class.

Culture Note: Spoiler Alert – making “plans” in Albania is an exercise in delusion.

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