PCV Life: “Staging in DC” – Peace Corps Albania 2004-2006: (Charmania in Albania)

Week 1: March 21-28, 2004

Flew to DC for orientation on Sunday, March 21. My roommate, Sarah from New Mexico, became an instant friend. She flew with Gina, from Texas, who I also became friends with right away. All West Coast people flew in early, the others on Monday morning.

There are 29 of us. 19 Teachers, 10 health educators. We have a very determined 78-year-old female nurse (Helen).

A middle-aged couple (Linda & Eric), have a son who served in PC Macedonia in the 1990s. He inspired them to join. There is another couple from Alaska. A 43 yr. old nutritionist. Most everyone else is mid-20s and/or just graduated last May.

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